by Allen Mowery | Mar 7, 2013 | Around Town, Featured Photos, People of the Susquehanna
PHOTO: A member of the Mifflinburg Hose Company stands poised as a blaze in Millmont is brought under control. A cornerstone of the rural community is the volunteer firefighter — always ready, always willing to pull together when the call arrives. As a former...
by Allen Mowery | Dec 6, 2012 | Photography
One thing that inspired me as a child was life. People. Emotion. Reality. Truth. I would devour every issue of National Geographic I could get my hands on. I studied them…without even knowing I was doing it. I wasn’t enthralled by pretty pictures (although...
by Allen Mowery | Nov 27, 2012 | Featured Photos, People of the Susquehanna
A biker proudly shows off his intricate ink while traversing the Susquehanna River on the Millersburg Ferry. The many highways and country roads are hugely popular with bikers, especially during the warm, summer months. People of the Susquehanna is an ongoing...
by Allen Mowery | Oct 14, 2012 | Photography, Videos — The Age Project is an ongoing photographic collection which explores the sometimes paradoxical relationship between perception and reality along with the natural human propensity for being dissatisfied with whatever state in...