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Fashion Photography …With an iPhone 3GS

Allen Mowery
July 8, 2010

Oftentimes outsiders to the photography industry, and even amateurs within the industry, believe that you need fancy and expensive cameras or equipment to be able to capture stunning images. But it’s not about the equipment, how many megapixels your camera has, or whether or not you can capture HD video; it’s about the person behind the lens.

I was pleasantly surprised and somewhat astounded this morning when I read a post on Digital Photography School about the guys over at Fstoppers and their experiment with fashion photography using…yes…a simple iPhone 3GS. And the results were absolutely amazing!

The gallery below shows both the original RAW images and the final Photoshoped images.

[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157624296312079″]

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