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2 Stunning Black and White Lightroom Presets

Allen Mowery
November 9, 2010

Over the last while I have developed an insatiable appetite for black and white photography. I continually search it out, I analyze it…and I create it. There are two specific black and white plugins that I have developed that have risen quickly to the top of my Lightroom favorites, and I thought it only human that I share the joy.

Allen’s Surreal – B/W – 2

This is definitely my favorite out of the two. It focuses on enhancing detail and maximizing contrast for the best, crisp, black and white image possible. It often lends itself to creating images very reminiscent of those captured from the 1930’s and 1940’s. This preset works best on images with wide tonal range that do not include “blow-outs.”

Allen’s Surreal – B/W

The predecessor of “B/W – 2” is this monochrome beauty. A steady “workhorse” for black and white photography, this preset works as a general black and white conversion, enhancing details while not overdoing the contrast.


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